Working week four days can be a reality in the Russian Federation.

— You want to work 4 days a week? — No categorically! — Why? — For Monday I get tired unbearably.

In October, the International Labor Organization proposed to all its members, which include the Russian Federation, to reduce the working week to four days. The justification of such a proposal is increasing — due to the reduction of the week — the number of jobs, improve the health of workers and environmental situation on the planet. The Government of the Russian Federation is considered to be difficult to compare in the present conditions, however, the profile committee of the Duma promises not to leave it unattended.

The rich advise not to work

It is worth recalling that the proposal to reduce working days is not the invention of MOT. In July, he was performed by the most rich man of the planet (according to the Forbes rating) — Carlos Slim, who supported the head of the Google Corporation Larry Page. And before them, Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin, ran to them for reducing the labor week, the extravagant and richest citizen of Great Britain, whose condition estimates at about $ 5 billion.

Carlos Slim argued his proposal by the fact that today the load on a working person has terribly increased. We give the best years to work, give her all the forces, in the end — life passes by. When we retire, then rejoice in the world and for ourselves simply does not have the strength. Therefore, it should be more rationally distributed by working and free time so that a person does not feel like a robot. On almost all points, Slim supported the application and the IOT.

What Russian businessmen and workers think about «unexpected liberation»?

And what do those who can become a member of the «humanitarian experiment» think? As we were told by experts on the job search website, which are visited by thousands of applicants and employers, businessmen and heads of Russian enterprises, as well as trade union leaders — categorically against.

“Hidden unemployment is already flourishing us,” says Dmitry Budov, chairman of the trade union at the enterprise. — People often work less than 5 days a week, and this is not by their will — there is simply no work! But you need to feed and teach children, pay for treatment. «.

Alexander Tursky, entrepreneur: “This proposal is a veiled transition to hourly wages. I will not hide — the employer will only benefit from this, and what to do to employees to do? If now they are torn into 2 works, then you have to look for the third, fourth?»

The opinion of those who can directly affect such a radical change — ordinary, line employees and workers, in jointly with the opinion of employers. Most of them declare that normal wages are worthy and allowing us to live not richly, but not “from and salary” is the only thing that should now be on the agenda of human rights defenders.

Is a four -day working week real in the Russian Federation? The opinion of a specialist in labor law

We addressed this issue to the portal to search for work and legal advice. As we were told by labor law experts, a four -day working week in the Russian Federation is quite real if the IMT issues its proposal in the form of the Convention, and Russia will join it and ratifies it. The investigation of ratification should be changes in the Labor Code, however, even without them, the rated document of the ILO will be a predominant regulator in labor relations.

So far we can be calm. In the Government of the Russian Federation, the initiative of the ILO is not very diplomatically, but honestly called nonsense. Of course, all the explanations of Slim are correct and good. Yes, and who will argue that the Mercedes is better than the “Cossack”, but not everyone can buy ..