Capital residents are fighting for historical Chisinau

Recently, the Chisinau residents have been concerned that the capital’s monuments of culture have been losing their uniqueness, due to the fact that historical buildings are destroyed, and modern ones are being erected in their place, as, for example, happened to the building of the first Chisinau mail, which was destroyed, and in its place, and in its place It is planned a fashionable LEOGRAND hotel. Therefore, activists took the initiative into their own hands and decided to punish the leadership of the future hotel and local officials. The solution to the problem was creative — the initiative group “Chisinau postmen” and the public organization “My Favorite City” held a protest of the hotel building, urging all the inhabitants of the city to boycott its services and not cooperate with its leadership. Participants in the action said that there would be no desire to visit this hotel knowing that because of it they destroyed the old architectural monument of Chisinau. In addition, the boorish attitude of representatives of the authorities to this issue really hurt the townspeople. Instead of the promised reconstruction of the ancient building of the first Chisinau mail, it is planned to build a multi -storey shopping center, the cost of which is calculated in 10 million. Euro. Then the protest rally moved to the building of the Chisinau primer located two quarters from the destroyed architectural monument. The chief architect of the city Vladimir Modyrke came to the protesters and stated that all obligations were fulfilled on the part of the celebration and urban architecture, all the necessary documents for the restoration of mail were issued. Now the delay in the authorities involved in the judicial side of the problems that must revise their decisions. Then Primar Chisinau Dorin Kirtoaca invited participants in the action to the meeting room to discuss sore issues. During the conversation, the protesting organization “My Favorite City” and the initiative group “Postmen Chisinau” put forward their claims regarding the inaction of the authorities in the demolition of cultural monuments of the capital. In addition, the participants in the action proposed their assistance in the reconstruction of historical monuments and asked to listen to their opinion. To this, Genprimar replied that back in 2008, permission was really issued for the demolition of the building, only along Metropolitan Varlaam 77, but not along Vlaika Pyrkelab, where there was a building of the first Chisinau mail. How such a glaring mistake none of the authorities could answer, neither the brick nor the chief architect of the city. At a meeting of the municipal council, Primar said that the city hall has no levers to stop the destruction of this architectural monument. But nevertheless, the Primeria is intended to cut off from those who destroyed the building, to reconstruct it to the original appearance, as it was back in 1850. To this, the deputy of the PPM, Stela Zhuntoan, commented that the city authorities must be responsible for the demolition of such architectural monuments, because according to the decision of the Parliament on June 22, 1993, the building of the first Chisinau mail was included in the register of monuments that the state protects by the state. And if the objects of cultural and historical significance will continue to be demolished in Chisinau, instead of which buildings and kiosks will appear that are not included in the architectural concept of the city, then the unique image of the capital will disappear. But there is a law, a primary, the chief architect who are obliged to be responsible for this, thereby fulfilling their direct duties, says a deputy of the DPM. And in the event that they are inactive and cannot cope with their direct duties, then you just need to resign and let people come to power who will not indifferent the fate of the capital and the excitement of local residents.