Roof installation tips

The roof protects the room from precipitation, and carries out stock water. Naturally, everything has its own life, and the roof is no exception, so sooner or later it will require either repairs or a complete replacement. To replace the roof, you can hire a team of qualified specialists, but this is if the financial situation of the owner of the house allows you to do this. Otherwise, you can make the roof of a simple design yourself. For example, on a garage, shed and other outbuildings, you can make a single -sized roof, for which it is enough to perform a whole cooked structure. By the way, now projects of the price of prices for the Baby buy daily are popularly enjoying the house.

In order to make a gable roof, it is necessary to perform a rafter system in which the first end of the inclined rafters rests on a rack or a run, and the emphasis of the other end falls on the outer wall. The ends are fixed by nails and brackets. Before installing the rafters begins, the beam should be laid along the perimeter of the house. This is done so that an uniform load is received on the walls of the house. When the rafters are installed, a crate is made, depending on the chosen roofing material, the distance of steps in which can fluctuate from three hundred and fifty to four hundred millimeters.