Quick -made hangars

Over the past 10 years, the construction of hangars has been a promising and constantly growing area in the construction business. Angars belong to rapidly vegetable structures made of light metal structures, are used mainly for industrial purposes, less often for the construction of sports rooms, shopping and exhibition complexes, stores, quickly vegetable hangars have a number of advantages over monolithic hangars, the main ones are the speed of construction of the building, a huge version of projects, a huge version of projects, a huge version of the projects, design solutions, relatively small price.

Using during construction the supporting structure of the metal frame can be realized a project of any complexity and scope of application.

The advantages of rapidly vegetable hangars should also include reliability and durability of structures, such buildings are the best suited for storage facilities, for organizing production and workshops. The rapidly vegetable hangars provide almost 100% of the use of space, this is possible due to the fact that some hangars do not use supporting supports and columns. Along with the strength, durability and fast terms for the construction of the hangar, its price should be noted. Metal frame and frameless rapidly vegetable hangars are an order of magnitude cheaper than monolithic type hangaries built using concrete, brick, etc. p.