This is the iron argument of any sucker who decided to devote his life to serving the gods from the Party of Regions.

The majority of the so -called «countrymen» does not understand the entire depth of the problem. They do not see the difference in the board of Kuchma, Yushchenko and Yanukovych. Well, this is yet a person personally faces the fact that he is taken away from the last. And when the abductions, murders and torture began, I realized that even the point that would help many regions and their six to avoid the Hague or the local court. Now the game has gone in the style of «either we or they are us».

Freedom or death!

Undoubtedly, the slogan is great and relevant. True, it has not yet reached the point that the whole country goes on the verge, but the Party of Regions is approaching this by seven -mimic steps. I have never been opposed to die for my country, only so far such a question is not worth. The death of heroes on Grushevsky and those who were tortured by bandits from the ruling circles — this is a great grief for our Ukraine. These people will not forget. I really hope that it will not reach total annihilation. For then “freedom or death” will become a really relevant slogan.

We practically have nothing to lose, but the bandits have something in power. They have mega accounts, palaces and lackers. And this is very pulling back, forcing to rage at every attempt by the people to take cattle by the throat.

The formula of the victory of the people has already been written. The question is only in the price of victory. And I didn’t want it to be too high. The bandits will still leave, and the country will digest every dictator and its family.

And if you need to find out the cost of liquidation of the individual entrepreneur, then there is enough information. The business solution of the new century will help make money.

The question of the split of the country does not bother. They do not realize the whole danger of this process. Although, it is unlikely that the split will affect them. For people who do not value the flag do not know the anthem and are not proud of Ukraine, will never grieve that their country is trampled. They will simply continue to live in their world of salaries of 1500 hryvnias and permafrost and hopelessness. This is the fate of Lokhtortat Yanukovych. But Ukraine will win without them! After all, this country has enough heroes.