Defects after wallpapering.

Most people who are engaged in independent wallpaper overwhelming are well familiar with the situation when, after some time, after the end of repair work, various defects appear on the surface of the wallpaper.

Specialists in this matter determined their main types and methods of elimination.


A fairly common situation that arises due to non-compliance with a certain work technology. To eliminate, you need a special cutter, wallpaper glue, a small brush and a sponge. The bubble is carefully cut, the edges are bent, the site is smeared with glue and well pressed with a sponge to the surface of the wall. Excess glue must be removed with a clean rag.


It occurs if the walls were painted with adhesive or lime paints, as well as if in the room, during the work, there was a fairly high temperature.

To avoid detachment, the surface of the wall before finishing must be prepared by removing the old layer of paint and processing it with a primer.

The gaps between the canvases.

Such gaps appear if the stripes were glued by the “VSTOK” method, and after drying, they were stretched. Many are in a hurry to completely overlap the wallpaper, but you can first try to eliminate the defect as follows. Having measured the lumen, cut out the necessary strip, smear it with glue and pressed to the lumen.