Decorative decoration of glazed doors

To date, in most apartments, glazed interior doors are installed. Everyone knows that such doors are most beautiful and practical. Decoration of the door with liquid glass. This option is considered the simplest, since the composition that is applied to the glass can be made at home. Only in this case it must be remembered that the sequence of actions should be strictly observed. First of all, a special composition is prepared, which includes blurry chalk and liquid glass. It can be done at home. But do not forget that this composition should be very carefully mixed and lost. Then this composition can be applied to the glass, rubbing glass inserts before with alcohol or acetone. The composition is applied in one or two layers.

It all depends only on what mativity of glass I want to get. Decoration of the door with sandpaper. First of all, the necessary sandpaper is selected, which should have large and fine grain. You also need to completely clean the glass of dirt. Using sandpaper with large grain, glass is sanded on one side. When the surface becomes uniform, you need to change large paper to a fine one and continue processing until the glass ceases to be transparent. But this work must be done very carefully so that there are no deep scratches.