How to glue widen wallpaper

Wallpaper since long time are the most popular view of wall decoration. However, many believe that the wallpaper sticker for whitewashing is impossible. But this is not so. In order to paste the white surface with wallpaper, it is necessary to clean the exfoliating and loose areas.

You can do this with a spatula, or sandpaper. Do not completely clean the wall, just remove all the irregularities and lumps of whitewashing, otherwise after the wallpaper sticker they will become noticeable. In case of irregularity forms on the wall, it should be covered with a layer of putty.

However. If you have thick wallpapers, you can not do this, since under them the irregularities will be invisible. After stripping the surface, it is necessary to apply a layer of primer penetration

If exfoliated areas appear after priming, it is necessary to clean and primed the surface again. Wait for the full drying of the primer and proceed to past the wallpaper. Thanks to the ground layer, the whitewash will not crumble, which will prevent the exfoliation of wallpaper. Moreover, wallpaper glue is much better on the primed surface. Observing all these simple rules, you easily glue the wallpaper for whitewashing.

In addition, in the production of sufficiently volumetric repair in the apartment, you can confuse and install sliding interior doors. This will not only give charm to your apartment, but also allow you to save precious square meters of area.