Varnish and cycles the parquet

If you are a happy owner of a parquet floor, you need to know that every 7-10 years your gender needs to be updated. The varnish wears out over time, its layer becomes thinner. That is why in order to maintain a parquet in good condition, you need to periodically cycle it and varnish again. Reliable road equipment is presented at the above link.

Before the cycling process, it is necessary to carefully examine the surface of the floor and all the pits and cracks formed over time, fill with construction mastic with a syringe.

Almost the entire surface of the parquet is processed using a parquer -grinding machine (disk or tape). Hard -to -reach surfaces (under batteries, for example) are manually processed. It is most preferable to use a disk type machine, since the last cycle is still recommended by this machine. Upon completion of the grinding process, the parquet must be treated with putty selected in the color of the coating. On the same day, it is necessary to begin varnishing the floor.

Starting work on flooring with varnish, make sure that there is no dust in the room. The varnish must be applied in three layers, while each layer is treated by grinding with sandpaper with fine grain paper. After applying the last layer, the varnish must be given the opportunity to dry well. There are no certain deadlines here. The drying of the varnish depends on the microclimate of the apartment, the quality of the varnish itself. Only after complete drying can plinth be mounted.