Metal quality doors: advantages and disadvantages

All repair work begins the same way — the choice of building materials and decoration. When making your choice in relation to decoration, it is necessary to take into account the constant pollution of space in view of the features of its location. Now many designers recommend installing metal high -quality doors. Excellent floor material in the corridor will be linoleum or fortified ceramic tiles with non -slip coating. The use of the laminate in the corridor is not excluded, however, the choice should be stopped on materials designed specifically for rooms with increased loads.

Paul carpet is needed only moisture -resistant with a low and dense pile, which is impregnated with a moisture -repellent solution.

If the area of ​​the corridor is small, then it is better to choose light tones for decoration of walls and ceiling, which will visually expand the space. All corridors are always insufficient lighting, therefore it is worth considering the location of artificial light sources.

You can stick ceiling tiles or wallpaper on the ceiling. But it is preferable if the height of the room allows, install suspended or suspended ceilings, with original ornaments.

During major repairs, it is worth replacing all metal quality doors. These works must be carried out until the moment the repair in the corridor has begun. For the walls of the corridor, it is better to choose washing wallpaper, from the surface of which you can easily remove dirt. Another optimal option is wallpaper for painting. They can be repainted several times, constantly updating the interior.