Stretch ceiling. Textures

Repair sooner or later comes to every family, therefore, probably, every person sooner or later faces the problem of choosing ceiling design. Now I want to tell you everything about the stretch ceiling. So let’s start. Today it is the most popular type of ceiling decoration. It is probably suitable for any room, even for the hallway. The stretch ceiling can have a variety of textures, shades: under the skin, lacquer, glossy, mirror, matte, velvet and so on. You can hide small lamps behind the translucent canvas, this will create the effect of a “soaring” ceiling, which will look very beautiful and unusual.

You can also hide the LEDs. Usually, in the assortment of each store there are more than 100 shades of each texture. There are several types of suspended ceilings: a vinyl and fabric canvas with a special composition (such ceilings are also called seamless, as they are a canvas from 3 to 5 meters). Seamless ceilings are much better than the vinyls, at least because they are more durable. Now, stretch ceilings can be found any cost. It is better to install such ceilings to the masters of this business. The advantages of such ceilings are protection against leaks, they are durable, hide all the irregularities of the ceiling, reduce the ceiling height very slightly, easy to care. Cons — installation, as mentioned above, should be carried out only by professionals, so the canvas can be damaged by an acute object.