Deviling ventilation

In the living room, ventilation ducts play the most important role — they are diverted by all combustion products, burning, and itself, carbon monoxide — very dangerous for life. The supply systems today provide air flow into the house or apartment, providing normal air circulation with all this. If the ventilation channel is clogged, then this is a serious danger to those who are in the apartment — a carrier gas is accumulating in the room a little. So that there are no problems with ventilation, it is necessary to clean the mine in time.

Professional ventilation cleaning is performed through special equipment. Before starting to carry out all the work, by the masters, an examination of the air supply and the ventilation canal is carried out, so that it could be identified all the blockages and blockages. In addition, it is important to determine the place of accumulation of fat deposits, because they increase after a while in size and become an obstacle to normal air circulation. Fat, when cleaning ventilation, is completely removed. Ventilation cleaning should be carried out once a year. If there are no problems, you still need to diagnose the condition of the ventilation duct, perform the removal of crystallizing residues.