The main characteristics of various brands of aluminum sheets

To date, it is difficult to imagine the sphere of activity in which aluminum would not be used in one form or another. First of all, in many industries, aluminum sheets are used. This includes the food industry, machine -building and aviation sector, construction and other. This material in some situations is simply indispensable.

Depending on the scope of use, the aluminum sheet is divided into brands that have various characteristics. Briefly describe the most popular sheet brands.

Mark AMC. Such a sheet is very well protected from the influence of the external environment and corrosion. Another feature is that it is easily deformed at various temperatures. The AMC is used in the national economy and the food industry.

Brand of hell. The main characteristic of the brand is the high content of pure aluminum in it (a little more than 99 percent). It is convenient for use in the advertising sphere (manufacture of banners), as well as auto industry. Due to its spread of blood pressure, an aluminum sheet can be bought in many stores.

Mark AMG. It has exceptional plasticity. In addition, this brand has magnificent anti -corrosion properties. This determines the use of this brand of aluminum sheet in areas such as automotive industry, construction. It is also worth highlighting that this brand is divided into two types (AMG2 and AMG3), which differ in their chemical properties.