Floorboard — a convenient flooring for the floor

Modern technologies offer a large assortment of flooring. Among them are natural stone, ceramic tiles, linoleum, carpel, laminate.

However, despite the variety of choice, the traditional floorboard from the array remains the best material for flooring. The assembly technology of this sex is considered the simplest, reliable and durable. A groove is cut along one edge of the board, and along the other — a comb. During the installation process, the boards fit tightly to each other, forming a rigid grip of the floor. If necessary, repair of such a sex can be carried out with the lowest time and money.

Wooden floors are environmentally friendly and healthy for health. For example, sneakers from cedar have healing properties, and the spruce holds heat better. Smolish deciduous trees floors are less than others affected by fungus and decay. Therefore, such coatings are often found in baths, saunas and other rooms with high humidity.

The durability and resistance to wear largely depends on the hardness of the breed. Pine boards have the smallest rate of hardness. Due to its low price, such floors are used in non -residential economic and industrial premises, compensating for insufficient hardness with a large thickness of the board.