Ceiling of aluminum rails in the bathroom: how to make

Reese ceilings have recently been installed quite often during the repair of not only residential premises, but also of another purpose, since this variety of suspended ceilings has a fairly good ratio of price to quality. Rheck suspended ceilings serve for quite some time, practical (you can hide various communications behind them), and they do not need serious care. Since aluminum is used in the production of such ceilings, they are not exposed to moisture, fire resistance, shock -resistant and resistant to corrosion, therefore it is advisable to install them in rooms with high humidity, high fire hazard and other harmful conditions.

Their design provides the simplicity of installation and maintenance, they have a fairly low cost, high strength and reliability, environmentally friendly, absorb noise, weigh very little, look quite aesthetically pleasing and have a large selection of both colors and textures. By type of design, such ceilings can be both closed and open types. The open type has the intervals between the panels that are filled with special rails, and the closed type for such purposes uses a special tongue. Since the rack ceiling is suspended, it can hide the disadvantages of the main ceiling, electric wires and ventilation. But at the same time, this ceiling reduces a height of 4-10 cm.