Rules for the construction of smoke channels

The smoke channel is an integral part of each furnace or fireplace. Installation of smoke channels is a responsible business that has many rules. For example, the rule of the exit in which the yield of the chimney to the surface should be at least half a meter. As for the departments, they are allowed only in exceptional cases and in compliance with additional rules. The departure should be at an angle of 60 % and should not exceed one meter. The section of the departure should be the same as the main channel.

When erecting the departure, masonry is strictly prohibited. In the case of laying the chimney in the wall and the use of slag concrete or silicate brick as a wall material, it is necessary to cover the canal with burned bricks. Applying a lime or complex solution. Such measures will protect against fire and carbon monoxide poisoning. To lay the smoke channel itself, it is necessary to use a solution that will be used or is already used to lay the wall, and in the case of a chimney, a lime solution is required. If masonry is performed in one -story buildings, then it is possible to use clay -sand solution.