Varieties of drywall

Drywall is divided into moisture resistant and fireproof. The first type is in demand in rooms with very high humidity, and the second is used when repairing in rooms where increased fire hazard is observed. Dear readers of our site, if you need beautiful dishes. Then we advise you to buy dishes from ceramics by passing the link we specified. Ceramic dishes are currently in great demand in modern markets. Conditionally, drywall can be divided into the following types:- ordinary drywall- GKL. There is gray or blue.

Used only in rooms where there is no increased humidity.- drywall that helps to resist the fire — Gloc. It is red and gray. It includes a special reinforcing additive.- moisture -resistant drywall — GKLV. Anti -Gritic additives are added to the composition. And the cardboard itself is more durable and racks in relation to moisture. The latter type is used both in ordinary rooms and in rooms with very high humidity. But at the same time, the hood should be present and the surface of the drywall should be protected.- There is also a type of drywall, which has not only water resistance, but even fire against it is powerless. This is GKLVO. It includes the same additives as in the previous two types, only in equal proportions, which provides its characteristics. Its color is bright red.