Glass wallpaper — recommendations for choice

Glass wallpaper is considered not only a fashionable, but also a durable coating. For 30 years, this coating can maintain the original appearance. Therefore, when choosing glass wallpaper, you must be the most attentive. Glass wallpaper offered in building materials stores can be divided into 3 groups:

— Higher grade. The wallpaper is made at a high -quality level and durable.

— First variety. The average version between the highest and second grade.

— The second variety. Low quality wallpaper, the cheapest.

Nevertheless, you should not choose glass wallpaper only by name and marking on the label. The quality of the wallpaper can be determined and independently. To do this, expand the roll and carefully study the structure of the wallpaper. If the canvas is found on the surface of a breakdown piece or cracks, you should refuse to buy this roll.

Unfortunately, unscrupulous manufacturers are mixed with glass wallpaper, starch and this adversely affects the quality. But this can be determined only by starting gluing. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase glass wallpaper from manufacturers well proven. And since the labels can be easily faked, it is worth purchasing glass wallpaper not in the markets, but in branded stores. Usually, branded stores value a reputation and will not sell low -quality materials.