Building your home from timber

Many people want to build their home from a bar, but do not know where to start. The article will describe the installation of the house from the beam with its own hands. In order to start building a house, it is necessary to decide: what type of house will you build, building materials, how much do you count on. Having decided on the listed, you can start building a house.

Start the harvesting of wood. It is necessary to select high -quality wood, which is not infected with a fungus and not eaten by a beetle. For the construction of a house from a beam, prepare the logs definitely the length and width. From logs, it is necessary to make a beam, based them on four sides — four kanta. Do this with a saw, but keep in mind that this is a long and laborious process. If you do not want to do this, then buy a ready -made beam at the factory. The best bass for buying is a beam with dimensions of 150 by 150 mm.

Harp the foundation. After erecting the foundation, it is necessary to start building walls. Walls are best built by the «well» method. This method is more effective and your house will stand for a long time. Laying out the bars, install the seal between them. After building the house, this seal should be knocked down. Use a felt as a seal — this is a fairly warm material. Brought the corners of the beams with log cabins that are placed on each other. There is nothing complicated to build a house from a beam. But if you still do not work, it is better to contact specialists.