The technology of coating metal tiles

Depending on the architectural features of the house, the composition of the roof of metal tiles also changes. But in any case, the roof of metal tiles requires the preliminary creation of a roof pie — a multi -layer structure, which must be performed in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer, and also take into account the recommendations of architects at. Taking into account construction standards. In order for the roof coating with a metal tile to be reliable and for a long time can protect the building, it is important to fully comply with the following requirements for the technique of laying it. The smallest slope of the roof made of metal should be 10%.

If the slope is up to 20%, then it is necessary to seal the joints. The transverse overlap of the material should be equal to one corrugation, the overlap in parallel to the slope is 250 mm. It is strictly forbidden to use the “grinder” with an abrasive circle for the cut of the material, since when cutting this tool due to a large increase in temperature at the cutting site, the polymer coating and a layer of zinc are burned out. As a result, the process of oxidation may begin and the metal tile will rust over time. After cutting the sheets, thoroughly cleaning the material from metal sawdust is carried out in order to prevent damage to the protective layer.