Doors care: professionals’ tips, rules


If you want to save your doors and increase their service life, then remember — like any furniture, they require periodic maintenance. At the next cleaning of the doors, use special means on the labels of which there is an inscription «for polished surfaces». Or make for these purposes a simple solution in preparation yourself: mix in any container of 9 parts of warm tap water with 1 part of alcohol. Having gripped a cotton napkin in this solution, squeeze it well, thoroughly wipe the door from all sides, thus removing all the contaminants. After that, it is necessary to “dry” the surface of the doors of the other, dry cloth.

In order to avoid the appearance of scratches or scuffs, when cleaning the surface of the doors, the use of any abrasive powders is strictly prohibited. Detergents are also not recommended for these purposes, which contain components that provoke the chemical effect on wood, which will accelerate its aging. If you started the repair of the apartment, do not be too lazy to cover the doors with a plastic film to exclude spray, plaster or paint, or remove these contaminants with a napkin moistened in warm soapy water.

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