Set the roof over the balcony

When choosing an apartment for its purchase, most buyers primarily evaluate the living space, then the rest of the premises (bathroom, kitchen, bathroom).

Of course, large -sized loggias also attract attention, in the presence of such, the planning of insulation and arrangement of furniture immediately begins. Similar balconies, as a rule, turn into another room in the future. But they look at the balconies of not large sizes in passing, because they are not expected to have much benefit, except to breathe air, smoke or hang underwear. Completely open tiny balconies, on which the roof is a hanging slope of the roof of the house, is almost no particular role, and this is completely in vain. Since even on a small balcony you can read a newspaper or drink tea.

If you are the owner of the balcony on the top floor, which is open to all winds and sediment, it is recommended to first install the roof above the balcony. In this case, the gable roof is not considered, since it is only able to turn a small balcony into a kind of a birdhouse stuck to the wall. Such a roof should be extremely practical and simple, that is, the canopy should have a slope from the wall of the house and outside the edge of the balcony, at an angle from 75 degrees to

First of all, it is necessary to decide on which material to build a frame — a metal or wooden. Of course, the tree is preferable, because it has sufficient strength and is much better to process. Metal, in turn, is almost eternal material, and in matters of fire safety and security from thieves is also more reliable.