Elimination of ceiling cracks

The process of eliminating ceiling cracks involves the use of special aggregates. To ensure the most effective adhesion of the aggregate, it will be necessary to expand the crack dimensions, as well as the entire surface must be moistened with water. And after that it is allowed to proceed to applying the solution to the gap. Upon completion, the site must dry and be polished with sandpaper. It is allowed to use a putty for putting seams, prepared independently by mixing gypsum and chalk, or completely ready -made solutions — gypsum or synthetic paste. The most optimal option is the first option, since such compounds for a long time retain elasticity. Before you start eliminating cracks on a stretch ceiling with your own hands, do not forget to consult with a specialist.

It is also possible to use conventional putty designed for internal work. Its effectiveness is revealed in wet rooms. After placing it in the area of ​​the crack, the remains should be removed by sandpaper. In the event that the cracks are especially large, then they resort to the use of the Serpi, which is laid in the target area, having previously moistened it with plaster.