Eliminate dampness on the walls: Methods and features

If you live in a private house, then you probably have come, at least once faced with the fact that dampness may appear on the walls.

How to get rid of such a problem is quite difficult, but possible. To do this, you will need to use a large number of ways to help eliminate the appearance of dampness in the future.

Before you start the fight against dampness, you must find the source of its appearance. If the water pipe adjacent to the wall on which dampness appears, then it is worth checking it for the presence of leaks. If they are found, then you should get rid of them, and only after that proceed to the removal of dampness on the wall surface.

It is best to carry out this procedure in the warm period of time, as this will give you the opportunity to ventilate the room well and allow damp to dry. After the wall is completely dry, you will need to treat it with a special solution, which will consist of water and laundry soap. These components must be taken in the proportion of 5 liters and ½ kilogram of soap. After drying the wall, you can glue it with wallpaper or use other finishing materials.