Insulation of the house

House insulation during repair or construction work has always been given increased attention. Nowadays, you can purchase various types of insulation that perfectly retain heat and make it possible to significantly save on heating. The walls of the house, its corners and window openings require special attention. All voids for insulation fill packley or mounting foam so that there are no walls cold to the house and places that can get wet or drew. After a thorough examination of the walls, you also need to carefully check and warm the ceiling, even if it is not subject to blowing. Since the cold air entering from above is almost invisible, but the heat goes very quickly, sawdust or other insulation depending on the budget is suitable for insulation of the ceiling.

It is impossible to strengthen the insulation with roofing material or other material that does not pass the air, this leads to a poor atmosphere in the room. For additional insulation of the ceiling, it is sheathed with drywall or wooden slabs. For insulation of floors in our time, linoleum with a warming thick base is used. Modern material isospan is perfect for insulation of roofs, ceilings and walls of the house. In terms of its characteristics, it has increased strength to push and break. Isospan environmentally friendly material, since even when heated does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. In addition, in case of fire, it has the ability to fade independently, resistant to sunlight, is well lend itself to processing, has a long service life and a low price.