Standards and regulations

The height of the construction is regulated by construction documents, such as a master plan or general plan. Such documents are prepared by experts on the planning of the territory, and ratified by local administrations. However,. Blazhko, General Director of the Domostrostro-Swo-West Corporation, tells that in our state these norms are not yet tough, and you can meet changes in the height of the height, and in Western Europe, such standards are directed. “Not so long ago I talked with the company, which was developing the master plan of the new Utrecht. An area of ​​more than 3450 ha, ”says the specialist,“ in the documents, for example, they have a heightly enshrined. If low-rise buildings are indicated on any particular area, there will be low-rise buildings, if a high-rise tower is planned for another, then there will be a high-rise tower, and if the park is drawn, then there will be a park ”.

To date, the authorities of the Moscow region are trying to restore order in their own territory, including the regulation of high -rise buildings. Most of the buildings under construction were agreed a couple of years ago, as a result of this, residential complexes that correspond to new regulations, they will draw on the market not more than three years.

Analyzing the situation in. Fadeev, head of the marketing department of GVA Sawyer, notes that under equal terms the developer will not refuse another floor, but the circumstances in the construction of the 4- and 17-story buildings are not the same. Starting from the following SNiPs and the characteristics of external engineering networks and a wiping need for social infrastructure. “Social and engineering loads in the case of low -rise construction are significantly lower,” the specialist admits, “therefore, from an economic point for the developer, the option of low -rise construction can be very attractive”.