Mastering investments in Sochi

Updated thanks to the Olympic construction, the city’s transport infrastructure will allow Sochi to transform and reach a qualitatively new level of development already in 2018, said the director of the Directorate for the Construction and Reconstruction of the Roads of the Black Sea Coast of the Federal Road Agency, Herry Dorogue Kuban Vladimir Kuzhel.

Vladimir Nikolaevich, 2017 was a turning point in Olympic construction: the changes are noticeable not only to builders, but also to local residents. How rich he was for Rosavtodor?

— In 2017, we began to implement the main project of the Olympic program of Sochi — Dubler of the Kurortny Prospekt. Tunnel detachment No. 44, who won the competition for the execution of this order, having concluded contracts, began work at the end of 2017, and in 2018, having completely turned around, he went to all objects of the first stage and actively conducted work. This is the main object of the year. In 2017, the design of all objects of the Olympic program was completed, contracts were concluded for all nine objects, and contractors began construction work. In other words, in 2010 the design stage was completed, and the stage of implementation of the developed projects came.

Working with Sochi for your organization was an important component in the past year … — The main thing is that in communication with the Sochi there was a progress. They agreed with the idea that the Olympic objects will inevitably be built and from the confrontation we must proceed to a compromise of interests that allows us to implement projects, and in this regard, they will receive moral and material compensation related to the need to fulfill unpopular decisions that positively change the face of the city tomorrow. We proposed to all those who wish, individuals and legal entities to take part in the landscaping of newly built -up territories and reconstructed sections of streets and roads — I can not say that our call has found a wide response.

Today, landscaping projects are actively implemented, we continue to work with the City Assembly of Sochi, with the Yuzhakadementer on city improvement issues. With the head of the city of Sochi, this issue has also been discussed more than once. The first offers have been received — they are worked out by our designers. It is necessary to approach this issue meaningfully: in one place, exotic plants decorating the territory are needed, in another — the so -called “green shield” in order to increase “light cities”. We, builders, do not care what will remain after us, and there is a firm conviction that landings must change the face of the city for the better.

What territories will require improvement and landscaping? — As a rule, our objects are located on uncomfortable lands: along the railway, in territories built without special architecture. Our entry into the territory will require the demolition of huts, garages, sheds. After the construction of the construction, the city will acquire decently equipped, green territories. Throughout the doublet of the resort prospect, we are “walking” around the city in tunnels or overpass. The stage space that remains below will be landscaped and landscaped.

In such territories, it is planned to create squares, sites, etc. For example, a proposal was received to create a bird market — we are ready to make a platform for it. In everything that the city needs, we are ready to take part and compensate for the damage that we apply in connection with the construction of facilities: in addition to the projects of planting trees and plants provided for by the project, the city is compensated by the cut trees; These funds have already gone to the development of the territories of the municipality.