Consumer loans have become less

The amount of consumer loans in Russia decreased in the final year in the overall structure of the issued loans. According to the RIA Novosti news agency, referring to the information provided by the press service of the National Bureau of credit stories, their share in 2012 did not reach 70%. According to the beginning of this year, the share of consumer loans issued to Russian citizens is 69.49%, last year this indicator was 73.35%.

According to the experts of the NBKA, last year this type of lending as obtaining loans on credit cards was most quickly grew up. The share of this type of lending amounted to 74.81%, in the year before last this figure is only 44.77 percent.

The second line in the rating of the popularity of lending forms is occupied by mortgage lending. The number of loans issued under various mortgage lending programs is 50.53% of the total number of loans issued by the total of the year, this is almost 15 percent more than in 2011. Liases and loans for the purchase of automotive equipment increased to 36.71% and 36.94% from 33.15% and 32.67% a year before last.

According to NKBA employees, maintaining the rate of lending of the population of Russia should be considered an exceptionally positive phenomenon. This, in their opinion, reflects the maturity of the lending market, its responsibility and technological. The forecast for this year involves an increase in retail lending by about 25-30%. Previously, the forecast, which was issued by the specialists of the Central Bank of Russia, was determined by an increase of 15 percent, while the growth of consumer loans should be 20-30%. However, the assessment of such a trend by the specialists of the Central Bank is somewhat different than the one that is present in NBK. The country’s main bank believes that the increase in consumption is a potential threat to the stability of the country’s financial system.