A profitable loan for a car, or how to buy a dream

For a modern person, the car means much more than other property. This is not just a comfortable way of moving, but also a favorite toy or even a business card, if we are talking about a business class car, for example.

And for some, a car is an unrealistic dream, due to the fact that accumulating on the only one, the desired elementary is not the opportunity, but spending on the fact that “piercing”, the soul does not allow. The solution to such a problem may well be a profitable car loan. Moreover, among a variety of credit programs there are those that do not require a certificate of income or employment, offer minimal interest rates and do not at all require the borrower of the initial contribution. A bank loan for a car or another subject of dreams is very simple and accessible to the predominant majority of those who wish to obtain the necessary funds for a large purchase here and now ”. Everything is simple — not everyone knows how to save, but online loan is much easier, first of all, psychological.

At the same time, you can get a loan for the purchase of a car not only in the bank branch. Many cars for the sale of cars offer their customers a loan registration service without moving away from the car you like. And it does not matter at all whether it is a new car or used, accepted by the interior «for the commission». For example, it is quite realistic to come to the salon for the sale of a favorite car of cars, without a ruble in a pocket, to choose exactly the model that has been dreamed of for a long time and, having issued a loan agreement here, near a brand new beauty, less than 2 hours, than 2 hours, than 2 hours. to leave on her home, joyfully proclaiming C crason all neighbors, about their acquisition.

But if everything is clear with the lending to the purchase of vehicles, then the requests that are increasingly set by users Internet detectives with the text “Mortgage or Credit is more profitable” is already more complicated. Today’s mortgage lending market is so constrained by the expectation of the second wave of the global financial crisis that the bank rarely gives out loans for the purchase of housing. No, none of the banks closes the programs officially. But there are internal orders of credit organizations, to the attention of customers who are not brought and should not be brought. So, for example, one of the largest banks in the country has recently been refused by 90 % of credit applications without explaining the reasons. Not only mortgage applications, but also applications for a credit card. It is understandable-there is nothing to explain.

In general, if you suddenly wanted to fulfill your dream, worth at least 1 million. rubles, whether it is a brand new car or cherished square meters of living space, the hope of receiving funds in an amount sufficient to pay for this purchase, always remains. It is enough to collect a package of documents necessary for the bank and patiently wait for the decision of the credit commission. And then — how lucky. But even if you have received a refusal in one bank, this is not a reason to give up. Each bank has its own rules. This means that the probability of getting a bank loan next door is very great.