A temporary tattoo will warn that the child has chronic diseases

In childhood, some children develop such terrible diseases as asthma, food allergies, type 1 diabetes. In such cases, you need to be specially attention to the health of the child, since his condition may deteriorate sharply. Nowadays, thanks to scientists, others will be able to find out that the baby has a disease using the applied temporary tattoo.

During the first 13 years of the new century, the indicator of the American children who suffer from heavy allergies to all kinds of foods increased by 18%. Among children and adults who suffer from diabetes of the 1st type and asthma, there is also a rapid increase. In such children, the risk of developing serious conditions increases, especially when they are without adults (for example, on the street or on the road to school).

As a rule, children with such diseases wear bracelets, key fobs, badges in which there is an indication of a specific disease that the child has. For example, with food allergies, they even indicate a list of hazardous products.

American Michele Welsh (Michele Welsh) practices another way to notify adults about health problems in children: through the Internet she sells special runners, thanks to which any child can inflict a temporary tattoo with a warning about the availability of a shoulder, forearm or any other body of the body. health problems. She will attract attention with her bright colors. You can buy a miracle set for only $ 15, you will receive 12 stickers of different design.

The temporary sticker will last on the skin of the children for only a few days, after which you need to apply it again.

At first glance, a simple, but effective for everyday use, the idea with stickers for children with health problems was visited by Michelle Welsh when she came to the amusement park with neighboring children. She had to write her phone number with an indelible marker on the hand of the children to call if they are lost.

Such an invention as a temporary tattoo is most suitable for preschoolers and primary school children, that is, those children who cannot quickly and clearly explain what is happening to them.