Afghanistan does not liquidate all private security companies

On October seventeen, referring to representatives of the Afghan President Hamid Karzai Information Service “Agency France-Presse” reported that the government of this country abandoned the initial plan regarding the complete liquidation of private security enterprises functioning in Afghanistan.

According to the statement made by the government, those of private security companies that ensure the safety of embassies, objects belonging to foreign armed forces, as well as residence of some representatives of the diplomatic corps, will be allowed to continue their work on the territory of Afghanistan.

Recall that in mid -August, Hamid Karzai announced his intention until the end of next year to completely eliminate private security companies in Afghanistan. It was assumed that after a year, the functions of ensuring security in Afghan territory will be completely transferred to local power structures.

At the beginning of this month, it became known that the government of Afghanistan liquidated eight private security companies. It was also reported that during liquidations, more than four hundred units of illegal weapons were seized from private companies. In total, based on the data provided by the Western media, as of August this year, about fifty private security companies operated in Afghanistan.

The Afghan authorities have repeatedly stated that in fact security companies are illegal armed groups. In total, in such organizations, from thirty -five to fifty thousand people are involved. Most of them are local residents. In conclusion, we note that the guards have repeatedly accused of involvement in the murders of civilians, and are also suspected of relations with the militants of the Taliban terrorist organization.