After a stroke, the Englishman spoke in Welsh

The languages ​​of Wales and England, despite the territorial neighborhood of the relevant countries, are very different from each other. After an extensive stroke, the English pensioner literally spoke in a language unfamiliar to many.

Note that during the Second World War, the large cities of Great Britain were often raided by the Air Force bombers of fascist Germany. Therefore, most children evacuated to the less dangerous regions of the country (these were small settlements of Scotland, North Ireland and Wales).

Alan Morgan, who is currently a resident of the English County Somersetshire (Somersetshire) was only 9 years old by 1940. He was taken to Wales from the southwestern part of England. There he lived, in the way of German squadrons, which regularly flew to bomb British cities.

Living in Wales for two whole years in Wales, Alan daily heard Welsh speech around him, but he could not master his incomprehensible language.

Since he left that language environment, almost 70 years have passed. The 81-year-old pensioner recently suffered a severe stroke, as a result of which he spent several days in a coma, but after a while consciousness returned to him, but he still lost his ability to speak. This happened due to the fact that the blood clot blocked the vessel in the brain that was responsible for the power of the brain area, which is responsible for speech.

Scientists called this phenomenon Afazia: there are times when speech returns, but often a person continues to live in such a state, never finding the power to pronounce at least one word.

Alan began to speak over time, but these were unusual words, and somewhat strange. As it turned out, the man suddenly spoke in Welsh, and soon he was able to communicate freely on him.

Alan memes that he arrived in a clear mind, and at the same time he could speak Welsh, and trying to switch to his native English, he did not come out of this. Alan’s wife was not just surprised, but shocked.

Due to the long period of rehabilitation and regular classes with a speech therapist, Alan in the NE could speak English, but could no longer speak in Welsh.