Americabank summed up the third quarter

Americabank in the third quarter of 2017 in the annual section ensured the achievement of the main indicators. This was stated at a press conference by the Development Director of Americabank CJSC Tigran Jarbashyan.

As Mr. Harbashyan told reporters, the bank’s total assets as of September 30, 2011 amounted to 190.7 billion drams, with an increase of 25%. The bank’s total obligations — 30% compared to the beginning of the year — having reached the indicator of 157.2 billion drams, demonstrated even more significant growth. The bank’s loan portfolio grew by 42% and amounted to 128.2 billion drams, providing the AmericaBank second place in the banking system of Armenia in terms of loan portfolio. At the same time, 126.4 billion drams amounted to loans, and 1.8 billion drams — the volume of leasing operations.

Tigran Harbashyan emphasized that in the third quarter of 2017, the Americabank, as planned, took fourth place in the country’s banking system in terms of net profit, despite the fact that he had previously occupied 5-6th place. Mr. Harbashyan drew the attention of journalists to the fact that the growth of the bank’s general obligations in the third quarter occurred primarily due to the growth of bank obligations to customers. The portfolio of urgent deposits of the American amounted to 88.8 billion drams, providing an increase of 27% compared to the beginning of 2017. «And this despite the fact that we are quite conservative in our deposit policy and do not participate in the percentage betting race,» said Tigran Harbashian.

Also, Mr. Harbashyan emphasized that the share of the Americabank in the Armenian banking system is increasing. «This means that we are growing faster than the country’s banking system,» said Tigran Harbashyan. The Development Director of the Americabank noted that in connection with a change in the bank’s strategy and a gradual transition from corporate banking to universal America, he planned to expand the lending of small and medium -sized businesses, consumer lending. And in this sense, the third quarter was also successful. The volume of loans of the SME since the beginning of the year has grown 2 times and amounted to 16.8 billion drams. The volume of consumer lending amounted to 17.2 billion drams, providing an increase of 21%. At the same time, Tigran Harbashyan noted that, despite the shift of the strategy, it is still perceived as a corporate bank, in connection with which the bank intends to more actively declare itself as a universal bank in the next two weeks.

«The line of products for individuals of the AmericaBank is one of the widest in the market, but our potential customers are not sufficiently informed about this. Since earlier banking products for individuals were intended mainly for employees of our corporate clients, there was no need for advertising, ”Tigran Harbashyan explained. And he noted that very soon the bank will launch new mortgage products, card businesses. According to Tigran Harbasyan, the funds invested in the expansion of the branch network are paying off, the branches are already starting to work with profit. In November 2011, the Americabank was preparing to open the Komitas branch, and, according to Tigran Jrbasyan, this branch will be the best banking branch in the country and in terms of technical equipment, and in terms of service level. In the process of completion, also the Schngavit branch.