Basic rules for whitewashing

Witting the ceiling is not a simple process that requires accuracy and patience. Witting the ceiling is one of the components of the entire repair of the apartment. As a rule, in order to make the ceiling during construction, finished slabs are used. Sale of products of products — quite common in the construction of multi -storey buildings. There will always be some space between the plates, which over time will crack on the ceiling. In order to prevent this from happening, it must be treated with a primer and applied the net. Only in this version your ceiling will remain enough for a long time without cracks.

If the ceiling comes out uneven or spots will be visible, then it will spoil the general view of the apartment. That is why the whitewashing of the ceiling should be treated responsibly. To make the ceiling even and white, whitewashing should be done in the correct sequence. Well -performed whitewashing directly depends on the quality of preparatory work. In no case should you whitewash on a dirty ceiling. It must be cleaned of dirt and remove all spots. Soda, hydrochloric acid and copper sulfate are used to remove stains. To align the ceiling and eliminate cracks use a putty. After applying putty, the ceiling is primed. Before whitewashing, prepared a chalk solution. The solution includes chalk, blue, laundry soap, carpentry glue and water. Cretaceous solution cannot be applied in some cases. If lime was used earlier for whitewashing, then dirty stains may appear when applying a chalk solution. If the walls or ceiling were painted with paint, then the solution will not hold