Bioadot instead of cognac

In Armenia, the only dietary supplement factory in the region is operating in the region, what is Narine, we know everything from us. On this lactic acid mixture that serves as a substitute for breast milk, more than one generation of Armenian (and not only Armenian) children has grown up. Hundreds and thousands of mothers can gratefully respond to this wonderful product. The bacterium, which belongs to the Lactobacillus Acidophillus group, was discovered by the Microobiologist Levon Erznkyan back in 1961. Many foreign newspapers wrote about the amazing healing and healing properties obtained on the basis of biomass of the dairy mixture (in modern language — living yogurt). The Japanese, who tried to establish its production, showed great interest. But, as far as I remember, nothing came of them. Biologically active additives (dietary supplements), in particular, probiotics, which include Narine, are popular all over the world today. They are used to maintain the composition and biological activity of normal intestinal microflora, contribute to digestion and have many other healing properties. Pharmaceutical companies that produce such food supplements in the form of powders, in tablets and capsules, flourish, exporting their products to dozens of countries. It was such a business that for the first time in Armenia decided to engage in Vitamax-E created in 1997. The company began to import biologically active supplements from the United States and sell them on the domestic market and in the CIS countries. Year and a half the company was engaged in importing and selling these additives. But one fine day, the company thought: why not try to establish their production ourselves? Moreover, the experience of the production of such a unique biological product (though only in liquid form) in Armenia was. But the liquid form has a number of inconvenience: a short shelf life, non -transportability, special cooking mode. It was necessary to develop a technology for the production of dietary supplements in dry, powder form. The first experimental experiments were conducted at the end of 1998. Dry biological products containing viable microbiological cells were obtained — viable bacteria that are in anbiotic state. So the SBC (dry biomass of cultures) «Narine» was born — the company decided to preserve the «historical», the name of this dietary supplement familiar to everyone. — What forced you, a scientist, a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, an assistant professor who has worked at the Yerevan Polytechnic Institute for many years, to engage in business that is generally not characteristic of you? — This question I am addressing the president of Vitamax-E Eduard Dilanian. — Sometimes life does not make a knee. In recent years, many people, unfortunately, (and maybe fortunately?) are forced to engage in a case not quite familiar to them. And when I had to do business, I decided to choose the sphere that could become a promising for our country. Armenia is deprived of transport contact with the outside world, so large, tonnage production is not for us. Little resource and environmentally friendly production is more suitable for us. This is the production of biologically active additives.