Buying a staircase-stairs

Stepmyska is just an indispensable thing during construction, repair or work in the garden. It does not hurt to have it at hand at home, if, suddenly, you need to get something from the upper shelf of the cabinet or mezzanine.

If you decide to buy a ladder of a stepladder, you should not carelessly treat her choice and take the first one that came across, because a high -quality staircase is the key to your safety. When buying, it is necessary to pay attention to the stability of the ladder and the strength of its connecting elements, as well as to the material from which it is made (it is better to take a metal). It is precisely the aluminum ladder that will be the ideal option, its lightness will allow even the child to cope with her, and the strength will not force her to doubt her safety. One of the most important elements of the stairs is its steps. They should be wide and durable for safe lifting and reliable accommodation during operation, it is better if they are profiled. Also, in order to avoid falling, steps and the upper platform are equipped with an anti -slip surface, and special anti -slip shoes are installed in the base of the stairs.

Stairs and ladders come in various shapes and sizes, from small single -section ladders of three or four steps to impressive size of four -section staircases over three meters in height. Another advantage of the ladder is its compactness, in folded form it will not take up much space in the utility room or on the balcony. And remember, when working on the stairs, in no case should you forget about safety.