Convenient flooring, carpet

Any carpet, for home use or professional can be installed on any surface: wood, tiles, concrete. But when installing it, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the substrate and to the type of carpet, which will be installed: carpet-rolon or carpet-stove.

The quality of the substrate can affect the characteristics of the carpet. In order for him to withstand time well, without losing qualities, it is necessary that the substrate is smooth, without dents and cracks, dust and moisture. If the original floor is uneven, you can pour the leveling mixture and screed, providing a perfectly even substrate.

Type of carpet, also important for the correct installation. The most practical and in demand is the tile. It has a number of advantages over the roll:

• easily processed and transported;

• You can easily replace in case of damage:

• has a more extensive gamut of colors and shades.

A special glue is used to install the carpet, which allows the removal and replacement of carpet tiles, and also makes it possible to move the material. This avoids unsightly grooves between installed tiles. Since the carpet is often used for offices, it behaves perfectly under the influence of wheels of chairs.