Different types of ceilings

The beautiful design of the ceiling plays a huge role in the appearance of any room.

Before facing the ceiling with any material, it is necessary to level the surface of the ceiling. It needs to be plastered, spaced in several layers, and then warm. Then you can start painting the ceiling or linen finishing materials. Paint the ceiling or brush, or roller, or spray gun. The paint lasts a very long time, and if necessary, the paint can always be refresh or applied a new.

A very simple option for finishing, moreover, not too expensive, which is often used in apartments, is the pasting of the ceiling with wallpaper or tiles. The ceiling in this case also requires alignment and sealing of the seams between the floor slabs. It is advisable to entrust the pasting of the ceiling with wallpaper, as well as cosmetic repairs of apartments or construction of a house, it is advisable to entrust to specialists.

Ceiling finishing using suspended and bearing surfaces

These types of ceiling decoration reduce the height of the room by almost 10 cm. This is their significant drawback. And all due to the use of a frame of metal or wood, which serves as a base for panels.

It is on such a frame that drywall or plastic is attached. Using this design, you can make a ceiling from several levels. If you use various materials, then the interior in the room will look very beautiful and spectacular. In addition, it becomes possible to equip between the two planes of the electric wire and other cords. Quite often use such ceilings when decorating offices.