Dismantling of wall tiles: detailed instructions

The most difficult dismantling of wall coatings can be rightly attributed to the removal of ceramic tiles. Such removal requires a lot of effort and time. In addition, it entails the formation of a huge amount of construction garbage. But this is not the worst thing when removing the tile coating, because in order for garbage to appear, the tile first needs to be knocked down from the wall. Moreover, it is necessary to knock down not only the tile itself, but also the solution on which it kept. And this is a rather difficult task, especially if you take into account the fact that the old tile coatings were laid exclusively using cement-sand mortar. Moreover, the thickness of the layer of this solution was often more than 3 cm.

To remove tiles, you can apply a hammer, chisel and gross physical strength, although you can use a punch with a special nozzle. A tick method will take a huge amount of time and take a bunch of effort. But the perforator will help remove all the tiles and solution in a matter of hours, depending on the area of ​​the working surface. In any case, no matter what method is used to be extremely careful and not forget about gloves and respirator. It is also worth thinking about protecting the flooring, unless of course it will also be dismantled.