DIY laminate laying

Laminate is not a cheap floor covering, and therefore, to save, you can put it yourself without hiring workers. Before starting, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work and lay the substrate, gluing the joints with tape. You need to buy a laminate with a margin of 3 — 5%.

It is not recommended to lay the purchased laminate immediately. It is necessary to wait out for some time so that the material adapts to the temperature and humidity of the room. Laminite laying is carried out using the following tools: rubber hammer, bar, wedges for gaps, jigsaw or hacksaw, ruler and pencil. There are four types of laminate laying: in the direction of light, diagonally, across and mixed styling. Laying in the direction of light is considered a classic option and is more suitable for a beginner. So that the joints are visible less, it is better to lay a laminate in the direction of the light from the window. Laminate is cut with a hacksaw or jigsaw. After the repair, do not forget to buy a power supply to the laptop.

So that the laminate does not swell when the temperature changes, the first row is laid with an indent from the wall of 10-15 mm. Pieces of laminate are easily interconnected with the help of available grooves. For the best waterproof floor, the seams should be smeared with sealant. It is better to lay the laminate at a temperature of 10-15C, since under such conditions the glue sets faster, and the floor lays perfectly evenly.