Elements of metal -plastic window blocks

When you have decided on the type of balcony block, what a window you will have, you can move on. Panoramic windows are suitable for the first floors or balconies. They will not open, in addition, cleaning them is not at all difficult. Light transmission of plastic structures — at a high level.

Natural light will penetrate almost in full into the room where you will install such windows. If you have chosen deaf windows that will stand on the front side of the building, then the appearance of the house will also become more attractive. Energy -saving double -glazed windows are most often not divided using the profile, they are solid. In addition, you will save significantly with money, because such windows that will not open are an order of magnitude cheaper.

The “Minures” include the inability to open the wings if, for example, you want to ventilate the room. Air exchange, in this case, will be absent. For such types of windows, you need to use thicker glass, it should be at least six millimeters. Noise insulation, in this case, is unlikely to increase, but you will have to overpay for such nuances. Many experts recommend taking precisely open structures they are much more convenient.