To reduce, friction, water is used, 0.02-0.1% solutions of sodium chloride, aluminum chloride, sodium carbonate, lime, liquid glass.
Strong drilling is resorted to in the development of deep wells, for which shock-gaping machines are used, installed on a wheel, caterpillar or automobile chassis.
The intermediate place is occupied by shock-revolutionary drilling, in which rigidly fixed drill punch (“dry” and “wet”) hammers and special machines are used.
Such drilling methods as a thermal (stream of a stream of flame of burning gasoline or kerosene), electro -hydraulic (exposure to a rock located in water, an electric discharge of high voltage), ultrasound, have not yet become widespread.
When driving tunnels, mining shields are used.
Explosive work consists in laying explosives (dynamite, tola, ammonites, etc.) and subsequent explosion.
Pile work is carried out when arranging the foundations of buildings or structures in weak soils. Wooden, steel, reinforced concrete piles are used. They are immersed in the soil in different ways, they are clogged with a steam or diesel copra mounted on a self -propelled crane, tractor, excavator. Recently, the vibration load of piles began to be used, on the upper part of which powerful vibrators are put on (oscillation frequencies 400-1500 Hz).