For large families, you need a special housing format

The inability to build towns for large -family Kryns also considers an outstanding failure and in demographic policy. He claims that the country’s population can be preserved if 3-4 children will be brought up in half of the families by 2035 in half. It is for such families that the expert calls the country’s demographic and urban planning forefront that it is necessary to build gorgeous towns. In such families he see a demographic salvation and development of Russia. It should also break a “shameful trend”, which leads a large family to the inevitable fall of the general and economic status, and, as a result, the fall of the status of the cell of society as a whole.

In June, the development movement began the organization of the federal network of cities of the demographic future, cities of the future, where the correct resettlement of large families is organized. The Center for the Design and Construction of Experimental Interdistrict Low -Stage Topping (Settlements) was created and capable of uniting families. This is like a design bureau that will engage in the development of several dozen cities, but in the future — the score will go thousands.

The movement offers large families in the regions to unite, create a housing cooperative and, together with specialists, build a city of the future for themselves and participate in the implementation of a joint project. There are basic conditions for this, it is required to connect the will and organizational efforts. Then the authorities of the subjects must also connect.

Together with educational, medical, social and cultural institutions in each town, an industrial and technological park will be designed and created, which will provide decent employment. The federal network of cities of the demographic future is designed to become a prototype of renewed Russia.