Gadzhiev K. WITH. Modern conservatism. Page 4

The propaganda activity and political practice of neoconservatives changed the psychological climate of Western society. The support on its own forces, individualism, increased competition in the early stages of socialization made its tone more stringent, increased the requirements for the independence and responsibility of the individual. Apparently, we can say that as a result of this to a certain extent, socio -psychological tension in Western society intensified, the difference in life models among its representatives began to appear brighter than its representatives. At the same time, this served as an incentive for the activation of the search for “new sociality”, to expand and deepen human contacts of mutual understanding and solidarity, which is also reflected in the political line of neoconservatives themselves.

Neoconservatism is a very contradictory, unambiguous assessment, the phenomenon of the social life of the West. The policy inspired by him, although it has features common to developed capitalist countries, in each case it is marked by original national characteristics. Their study is an important task, since it is related to the problem of limiters and counterweights of conservative policy, with the role of various political forces and ideological schools in the process of its transformation. It seems that an in -depth analysis of specific forms of neoconservative policy, the reasons for their specifics and the identification of their characteristics that bring them together should contribute to a more reasonable and deep understanding of this phenomenon as a whole.

The main task, which was set by the authors of this work, carried out in the department of social and internal political problems of the developed capitalist countries of the IMMO of the USSR Academy of Sciences, was the study of the causes of the appearance, political practice and national models of neoconservativeism. At the same time, the team of authors relied on studies of various aspects of the political life of the developed countries of the West, conducted in the same team in previous years