Houses from profile timber

At home from a profile beam, the ideal option if you want to build a durable summer house for relaxation. Our company offers high -class profiled wood with the most convenient sections. Such profiled wood is very actively used for country houses and for houses that will be built for permanent residence. We are ready to build any option, and we use a reliable dodgy profile as a basis, which is distinguished by a high tightness of the joints. This helps to reduce heat loss, and also prevents the side shift of the walls. We also offer blanks that have special grooves where you can lay insulation fiber, cord, which helps to increase sealing the house.

Our company produces all parts of a ready -made country log house according to a previously thought -out project. Various typical solutions from the masters of our company will satisfy the requirements and wishes of customers. In construction, we use the most advanced materials and equipment and guarantee the reliability and durability of structures. The almost complete lack of shrinkage is one of the most important advantages of houses from a profiled timber. With the help of our company, you can get comfortable housing and can quickly settle in a new house. Note that the final cost of all work will be curtained from some factor, namely from applicable materials and volume of work.