How to avoid wallpaper exfoliation?

Giving the room an updated look is very simple — to cross the wallpaper. It seems that there is nothing complicated in this, but sometimes difficulties arise — the wallpaper begins to exfoliate completely or on the seams. This usually happens due to wall moisture, which cannot absorb glue. What to do to remove excess moisture and how to determine exactly, the humidity of your walls?

A proven grandfather’s method will help — to glue with tape on the wall a plastic film, leave it overnight and check in the morning the condition of the wall under the film. If moisture appears, you have to dry the walls. The easiest way is to ventilate the room, but this is not always effective. Waterproofing, on the contrary, is very effective, but at the same time costly, so it is worth applying the method of electrician.

Its essence is as follows: along the wall that needs to be dried, the groove is made and holes are drilled along it. Next is grounding using electrodes. Thanks to this method, moisture is “attracted” down and “leaves” the wall due to the action of positive charges.

This method today is a great replacement for the whole way to drain buildings. It avoids mold, fungi.

Wallpaper can exfoliate due to dirt. Glue the tape to the wall — if it sticks various deposits, you need to fabricate and primer the wall. So, the wallpaper is glued only on the prepared walls, otherwise they will not hold.