How to choose a home coating

The modern building materials market offers the consumer a wide range of flooring for every taste, color and wallet. How not to make a mistake in the right choice of sex? After all, flooring is a fairly expensive and troublesome repair element that should last decades. Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that when choosing a carpet, its functionality must be guided, ease of care and acceptable cost. Also not superfluous to visit the site

For example, carpet. In its softness and decorative properties, it is probably not inferior to other coatings, but there is a doubt of its long -term operation. It is not recommended to lay the carpet in the kitchen or in the corridor. The structure does not allow it to quickly clean and dry it, especially from fat spots left by food. The corridor is a high -cross -country area, so in these places the surface will quickly last. Ceramic tiles are more suitable for the kitchen and the bathroom: it is not afraid of moisture and is quickly washed. Marble and stone slabs are used exclusively in private houses: the weight does not allow them to lie in apartments. Moreover, this coating falls on a perfectly smooth surface, then the father -in -law will have to make a screed, and this is a plus of additional weight. When choosing a coating, take into account the functionality and ability to stylistic changeability: if the coating is selected correctly, then it will survive, at least several changes in the interior.