How to glue textile wallpaper: detailed instructions

The textile wallpaper in themselves is unusually beautiful, and also have advantages compared to paper competitors. This material perfectly absorbs the noise and gives the room a certain comfort. In order to glue the walls with textile wallpaper, we need: putty, roller, glue, scissors and soft fabric (white so as not to pour on textile wallpaper). The layout system practically does not differ from the standard, you just need to be more careful.

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Initially, the walls should be perfectly prepared, without potholes, cracks and other troubles. First you should check that the direction of the pile coincides with all the wallpaper. Then everything is simple: we cut off the desired length of the segment with a margin of five to seven centimeters for trimming (in no case try to cut the wallpaper with a knife, only with scissors).

On the opposite direction with uniform layers, we do not apply glue very thickly, otherwise it will simply be saturated. Then it is advisable to wait five minutes to impregnate the segment. Then, starting from the upper part of the segment, we glue the canvas the joint into the joint. Alignment and smoothing of textile wallpaper is done using a rubber roller. After the end of work, it is necessary to let the wallpaper dry the day in a closed room without a draft.