In Afghanistan, the disbandment of private security companies began

Reuters news agency reports that the Afghan Foreign Ministry has stopped the activities of eight private security enterprises. In this case, the latter seized about four hundred units of illegal weapons.

Recall that the dissolution of private security companies takes place during the initiative declared by the Afghan president — Hamid Karzay. So, according to his application, by approximately 2014, such security companies will be completely replaced by state forces. This decree of Khamida Karzai was published in the year before last.

So Zemaray Bashari, the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated that his department began the execution of the order received from the president “with all determination and seriousness”. One of the most important points of this plan is the absolute transition to state control of many private security companies, which today operate on the territory of this republic. These associations do not have an official permit for possession, and even more so for the use of weapons. Some of these firms have been repeatedly seen in criminal ties or violation of conditions and obligations to protect.

At the same time, many security companies tied to real estate, among which plants, power plants, etc.D., allowed to continue their activities. Most of the employees of private firms who fall under the closure, the government offers to join state security units.

According to the Afghan government, today as part of illegal armed organizations operating as security enterprises, more than forty thousand inhabitants of Afghanistan consists. Employees of these organizations are quite well armed. The fact that they have a rather dubious reputation is important. So, for example, a civilian population often accuses them of committing rape, murders, as well as many other crimes.

According to Karza, the plan for the disbandment of private security enterprises should be completed before the end of 2010. Earlier, the government has already tried to fulfill the full registration of firms and their weapons, but serious successes were never achieved.