In Goa, the number of tourists was reduced due to changes in the visa system

Now European travelers prevent holidays in Goa not only terrible weather conditions, mainly in the form of snowfalls, but also changes in the visa policy of India.

Representatives of the tourism industry Goa are concerned about the changes that were made in the rules for obtaining an Indian visa, explaining this by the fact that the flow of European tourists may decrease. According to the Association of Travel and Tourism Goa (TTAG), the revised rules limit the time of residence in India for a period of not more than three months. After the deadline, the tourist is obliged to return to his native country and live in it for at least two months — this negatively affects the number of vacationers in Goa.

From an interview with Ralph d’Ouz, TTGA chairman, it became known that the number of regular customers from European countries and Russia has declined.

According to statistics, a decrease in tourist flow for this year due to changes in visa policy amounted to 7 %. This is due to the fact that now travelers are forbidden to stay in India for more than three months, and they will be able to get a new visa after two months of residence in their native country, says TTGA chairman.

WITH. M. Krishna, Minister of Foreign Affairs of India, told TTGA that she would thoroughly study the problem with the issuance of visas.

The Tourism Department states that the flow of travelers from Europe is normal and there is no concern. This is evidenced by the plan of charter flights, which, despite the abundant snowfalls, were not canceled. Why did not notice the abolition of flights from Russia is not clear.

The new rules in a visa policy have been included in order to increase the flow of local tourists, which are also solvent.

Naik swap naik, states that the number of tourists, when compared with last year, has increased, travelers do not scare not only snowfalls, but also that all flights are full, so very often now they come to Goa on their own cars, so the shortage of tourists not expected in the near future.